Kindness is everything

Dear Ones,

I would like to share a couple nuggets from a post (Arcturian Group message) that I like to read every Sunday. Please see below.

Feel free to read the whole article if so inclined.

It highlighted a beautiful picture, showing a fox, a boy and a mole, with the following words:

“I haven’t really achieved anything,” said the boy.

“You are kind,” said the mole, “which is everything.”

“You are entering into a season during which much of the world celebrates the birth of the master teacher Jesus. It is important to remember that the Christmas story is every person’s story and not just that of one man. The Christ (Light of Spiritual consciousness) can only be born into a consciousness emptied (the stable) of personal ego and beliefs based in duality, separation and two powers. Because this state of consciousness is already full, the higher frequencies of the real Self cannot flow–there is “no room at the Inn.”

… It may seem as if nothing is happening in your quest for deeper realization, but know that the moment you were ready for and consciously began a search for truth, you consciously or unconsciously stated your intention to spiritually evolve. At this point “the train leaves the station” and does not stop until the destination is reached even when there are stops and bumps along the way or you decide you want to get off. 

… Every person is already self-sustained and maintained, whole and complete, cause and effect, abundant, intelligent, harmonious, and infinite, etc. etc. but the density and resulting hypnotism of being in three dimensional energy blocks this awareness from most. The evolutionary journey is nothing more than the process of getting out of your own way and allowing these already present qualities of Source/God/Divine Consciousness to flow into expression–the Christmas story. 

… You find that without conscious thought you have become more understanding, patient, loving, and kind because you have removed the blocks and opened the door to your own Divine Consciousness allowing IT to flow as you. Things, events, people, solutions, and situations that are fulfilling and of a high level begin to unexpectedly show up. Things that you could not have asked for because you did not know about them. Fulfillment is the true nature of SELF.”

Topic: Kindness is everything

Time: Dec 5 @ 3:30 pm Eastern Time

About new desert

Nurturing the Gift of Seeking is about a spiritual "destination," a journey within, a new beginning, that eventually takes us where we are meant to arrive. Some call it Home, yet I am not sure what Home means, and where it is. Enjoy the journey, dear Ones! On this journey, what matters, first and foremost, is our seeking spirit. And the seed of perseverance--or faith, if you will. Happy journey, dear fellow Sisters and Brothers!
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