Are we experiencing an hyperdrive acceleration?

Isn’t it nice, dear Ones, when someone puts into words what you’ve been feeling for a while?

It’s exactly what happened this afternoon, Wednesday, with this ‘hyperdrive acceleration’ thing I am talking about.

As part of a small group discussion, I was talking about the importance of removing our “spiritual gunk.” Assuredly the gunk we can barely see.

One gentle-man responded,

“Yes. With the 2024 hyperdrive acceleration already underway, our choice is to remove the gunk, or have the gunk removed. I understand the former leads to greater integration, whereas the latter leads to disintegration.”

When I asked him about the origin of that expression, here is what he offered.

“The term is coming up for me again in the context of astronomy, however it has been an established term regarding this time in many areas of commentary. I believe it will only get faster for some time now.”

And then he shared a quote from the Hathors.

“As a carbon based being, your body is made of stardust. And your nature is very much like coal. Like coal, if you experience enough pressure, you will either be pulverized or become a diamond. This sound meditation will strengthen you so that you can bear the cosmic force that is squeezing you from all sides. Thus, you may, with enough clarity of intent and persistence, become a multifaceted cosmic diamond. That is your destiny—but only if you choose it.”

– The Hathors

If you want to know more about the expansion of the universe, visit

2024 has been a bit surreal, to say the least. I can feel the thrust, the pressure moving us upward and the ‘little chaos’ that sometimes ensues.

It is not monstrous chaos, just things that often throw us off balance; a meeting being rescheduled, another being canceled, people not responding to messages or being critical; and plenty of misunderstandings.

At the same time that this ‘little chaos’ is going on, there is an upsurge of love. But perhaps not every day. I could feel it in a school (with young children) where I was teaching during the first two days of the year. Children hugging me out of the blue, after a simple exchange of a smile.

And then this last Monday in a class of 1st graders. An outpouring of sweet messages, drawings and hugs from at least six or seven children; something that started mid-day and that continued unabated until dismissal.

Of course what I didn’t tell you is that I skipped the 45-minute math class and let them play games instead. That teaching ‘generosity’ is worth at least a couple hugs, no!

Topic: Are we experiencing an hyperdrive acceleration?

Time: Jan 25 @ 04:00 pm Eastern Time

Meeting ID: 838 0702 7746

About new desert

Nurturing the Gift of Seeking is about a spiritual "destination," a journey within, a new beginning, that eventually takes us where we are meant to arrive. Some call it Home, yet I am not sure what Home means, and where it is. Enjoy the journey, dear Ones! On this journey, what matters, first and foremost, is our seeking spirit. And the seed of perseverance--or faith, if you will. Happy journey, dear fellow Sisters and Brothers!
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