Generating appreciation (regardless of the weather)

Dear Ones,

I was thinking lately of these moments, little or not so little, when we experience hiccups or bumps on the road; things like being exploited, one way or another, perhaps by a large corporation, or a gigantic institution. Or even by a single person.

Instances when it is not worth to “fight the system.”

As the expression says, we need to gather our wisdom and “pick our battles,” knowing some of them are not worth our energy and dedication.

In these moments, how do we keep generating appreciation, for life, and for the good fortune we have of being a high witness to the evolution of our planet?

Let’s practice appreciation! Let’s keep our hearts bright and open.

I am reminded of a prayer we recited some ten years ago at the beginning of each and every day of a retreat.

May I see this day through Buddha eyes
May I hear this day through Buddha ears
May I love this day with a Buddha heart
May all I come in contact be awakened to their True Nature

Topic: Generating appreciation

Time: May 16 @ 4:00 PM Eastern Time

Meeting ID: 823 2064 1851

About new desert

Nurturing the Gift of Seeking is about a spiritual "destination," a journey within, a new beginning, that eventually takes us where we are meant to arrive. Some call it Home, yet I am not sure what Home means, and where it is. Enjoy the journey, dear Ones! On this journey, what matters, first and foremost, is our seeking spirit. And the seed of perseverance--or faith, if you will. Happy journey, dear fellow Sisters and Brothers!
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