The Power of Myth

Dear Ones,

The reason I am mentioning myth this evening is because of an uncanny synchronicity around myth and the main name associated with myth, that of mythologist Joseph Campbell.

A friend asked me a few questions about the Cathars—as it looks like they came to visit her. In going back to a post I wrote 10 years and 11 days ago, I realized it connected with the notion of myth and Joseph Campbell’s concept of “The Hero’s Journey.”

There is a morsel in that journey that always puzzled me: that of the phase of atonement (or at-one-ment, or even a-lign-ment), right before one reemerges into the conscious world and brings about the Gift of the Goddess. As one reenters the domain of the tangible, he or she indeed brings out a boon, a blessing, that may serve in the accomplishment of his/her mission.

I’ve let that search for meaning dwindle, so to speak, and tucked it away for a few good years. It may come back to the fore for a reason, guided by some invisible force and the sheer movement of the planets, as we enter another Full Moon.

Which leads me to ask, “What is your boon, dear Ones?”

Topic: The power of myth

Time: May 23 @ 4:00 PM Eastern Time

FULL MOON: The current lunar cycle reaches its climax this Thursday, May 23, at 6:53 a.m. PDT. At that time, the Moon will be at 02°55´ Sagittarius, exactly opposite the Sun at the same degree of Gemini. 

A Full Moon always asks us to find a balance between the qualities of the two signs involved. In this instance, we are called to access the best traits of both mental, airy Gemini and intuitive, fiery Sagittarius — to be both logical and wise and to rely equally on reason and on faith. We are directed to seek meaningful experiences through intellectual learning and the exchange of information, but also to explore the world beyond our local environs, both physically and philosophically.

Although Venus and Jupiter are still in Taurus at the time of the Full Moon, they are separated from the Sun by less than four degrees, so their energies are strongly woven into the fabric of the lunation. With the Moon opposing Venus/Jupiter, the qualities of optimism, inspiration and creativity are enhanced, but we must also be wary of over-indulging, or of needing the immediate gratification of whatever our current desires might be.

Taking those cautions into account, the potential benefits of this week’s Full Moon are many. The Moon is trine Neptune, providing opportunities for significant spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of our life’s meaning. Luna is also sextile Pluto, helping us feel empowered and passionate about whatever adventure or cause we choose to engage.

by Astrologer Pam Younghans

More on the power of myth here:

The Power of Myth is a book based on the 1988 PBS documentary Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth. The documentary was originally broadcast as six one-hour conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell (1904–1987) and journalist Bill Moyers. It remains one of the most popular series in the history of American public television.

About new desert

Nurturing the Gift of Seeking is about a spiritual "destination," a journey within, a new beginning, that eventually takes us where we are meant to arrive. Some call it Home, yet I am not sure what Home means, and where it is. Enjoy the journey, dear Ones! On this journey, what matters, first and foremost, is our seeking spirit. And the seed of perseverance--or faith, if you will. Happy journey, dear fellow Sisters and Brothers!
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