Orchestrating while letting go

Dear Ones,

Somehow, the word “orchestrate” caught my attention in the long passage below.

How much do we need to “orchestrate” (read, organize and possibly compartmentalize and control) our lives?

And how much do we need to let go?

And how do we let the Universe play Its own symphony?

Just like in every situation, there may be a need to find a delicate balance between the “orchestration” and the “devotion” – the devotion to living a meaningful and fulfilled life.

As to orchestrating someone else’s life, it is a whole different chapter, isn’t it?

Topic: Orchestrating while letting go

Time: Jun 14 @ 4:00 PM Eastern Time


“It is the perfect time for you to take some of that transformation. It is available to you at all times, and all you need to do is let go of control over your lives. Let go of the need that you can have at times to orchestrate everything and to make everything the way you think it should be. And, in that letting go, you will let in more of your personal transformation, and then you will see more of the world outside of you transforming to meet you where you now are. 

That means letting everyone else be exactly where they are and accepting that everyone is exactly where they need to be on their journey at this time. You don’t need to orchestrate anyone else’s journey, and you can let everyone be in what you might consider a self-created delusion. That’s okay, because they are still in some way benefitting from being right where they are, and this is how you let go of the divisiveness, and you move past this idea of separation that you have going there on Earth at this time. 

You can transcend the us-versus-them mentality in your own mind, and you can allow everyone to be where they are and everything to be as it is, so that you can transform yourself into the master who is capable of helping those who are ready to be helped. There will always be those who are your perfect students, those who are ready for exactly what you have to teach them, and they can show up at your doorstep when you let go of any ideas you have of where you should be as a master, as a teacher, and as a leader in the evolution of consciousness. 

Let things unfold, and be patient. Take your time and trust that everything is in perfect order as it is on Earth and throughout the entire galaxy and universe. Be at one with the moment you are in, and feel yourself transforming in that moment. You are ready, and now is the time. There has never been a better time to transform while living on planet Earth. And you always knew that you would be awake for this process. You always knew that you would be one of the ones on the leading edge to assist the rest of humankind in making this enormous leap forward in your spiritual evolution.”

About new desert

Nurturing the Gift of Seeking is about a spiritual "destination," a journey within, a new beginning, that eventually takes us where we are meant to arrive. Some call it Home, yet I am not sure what Home means, and where it is. Enjoy the journey, dear Ones! On this journey, what matters, first and foremost, is our seeking spirit. And the seed of perseverance--or faith, if you will. Happy journey, dear fellow Sisters and Brothers!
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